Chief Marketing Officer Marcus Burk

New Work is not a phrase here, but has been practiced successfully for years.

In this article, we want to introduce Marcus Burk, our Chief Marketing Officer. When Marcus joined our agency in June 2019, we asked him a few questions to get to know him a little better. 

By the way: The Syde Team is 100% remote

This enables us to bring together the best minds in the world in one team. You want to learn more about our way of working and the Syders? Take a look inside Syde!

This is Marcus Burk

Marcus is 32 years old and lives near Koblenz, in Germany.

Did you study or have a specific education?

After graduation, I completed an apprenticeship in a publishing house of a major German daily newspaper in Frankfurt. After that, I enrolled for a degree in Business Communication in Berlin.

I’ve always wanted to understand how professional communication works and affects us at different levels. The effect that communication unfolds in the right places still fascinates me. And successful communication is more important than ever because companies have to communicate on more and more channels.

Which jobs did you have?

Most recently, I was Head of Marketing for an editorial and content planning software. I was responsible for the market launch of our tool and also advised large and internationally active companies in their editorial processes.

As a digital marketer, I am specialized in content marketing – this is a constant that has emerged in recent years. Especially the time in Berlin was very exciting for me because the transformation process in corporate communications was felt there early on. I gained a lot of experience in agencies and start-ups, up to international auditing.

What did you like, what less?

I have always liked the fact that in marketing more and more content is involved. Corporate communications and marketing are growing together and only those who prove relevance can successfully position themselves. And the competition is getting tougher because the flood of information is getting bigger and bigger. These are challenges that nearly all companies face.

What I liked less is that although companies are working on these challenges, they have rarely in mind how to do it better. With the tools and techniques used today, the flexibility of employees is getting bigger and bigger. We work in trains and planes and also across time zones and continents in a team – efficient and collaborative. We are more reachable and productive than ever. Unfortunately, I often have had the feeling that companies are not yet able to handle this correctly and give their employees the freedom they need.

Marcus’ Way to Syde

That’s why I liked the way Syde works right from the start. New Work is not a phrase here but has been practiced successfully for years. The entire work organization is tool-based and designed to work independently of place and time. It works because this path is taken with confidence and courage.

In addition, I find a mix of agency work and product business. On one side are the international projects of the agency and on the other side, there are scalable WordPress plugins. This is pretty much the most varied field of activities that I can imagine in my job.

I look forward to making Syde better than ever before, together with a team of highly motivated, satisfied and well-educated individuals.

Questions to Syder Marcus Burk

We asked Marcus some personal questions so you can get to know him better:

Who was your hero as a child?

Darkwing Duck.

What is the TV show you never miss?

I don’t watch TV. But I have already watched most of Netflix – several times.

What is your biggest vice?

Right now: coffee. But that changes.

Which job did you do when you were in school?

In primary school, I founded a school newspaper and even sold it in local shops. We did everything ourselves: text, pictures, printing. And that in the 90s! We even had to get the camera films developed. But it was over after two issues. And I suspect that the baker’s wife bought the editions herself, so that we wouldn’t be sad.

What was the last book you read?

Optimal running training: From the first steps to the half marathon by Herbert Steffny.

You get stuck in the elevator for many hours and there’s a song playing in a continuous loop, what song would that be?

Snarky Puppy – Lingu.

Do you have a weird habit?

Once I’m interested in a subject, I can’t help absorb it completely. And for days on end. After that, it goes on to the next one.

What is the best meal you can cook on your own?

Recently I was quite proud of a zucchini frittata according to an Ottolenghi recipe. Even if it’s a simple recipe.

If someone gave you an envelope with the date of your death, would you open it?

Yes. That sets the perspective on the important things in life straight.

Do you want to join the Syde team?

We are hiring! You can find all the current vacancies on our job page. Take a look!

* Vielen Dank an Henry Tornow für das Foto, das wir I’m Header-Bereich dieses Artikels verwendet haben.

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