Recent WordCamps worldwide 2018: Germany, Spain, and Switzerland

WordCamps worldwide 2018
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We feel connected to the WordPress community. That’s why we take part in WordCamps worldwide and try to participate actively.

Every year, many WordCamps worldwide take place. There, WordCamp enthusiasts meet – from developers and SEO specialists to bloggers. We feel very connected with the WordCamp community. That’s why our employees and we as agency participate actively in WordCamps. For example at WordCamp Würzburg 2018 (southern city in Germany), where some Inpsyders prepared sessions. Or at WordCamp Barcelona 2018 which was visited by one of our Inpsyders. Here’s our summary of recent WordCamps worldwide 2018.

WordCamp Würzburg 2018: The Highlights

WordCamp Würzburg took place according to the super hero motto. For the first time ever, there was a Contributor Day for the plugin collective:

Besides to other companies, the WordCamp was sponsored by our partner Eurotext, a translation agency. Together, we developed the translationMANAGER, with which you can order Eurotext’s professional translated texts from the WordPress backend directly.

Moreover, some Inpsyders prepared sessions. For example, Robert and Boris from Eurotext made a shared session about translations. Beside other topics, they presented several plugins and answered all questions about multilingual eCommerce. And Jessica explained in her session how to start with CSS grid. After some time of announcing, Robert finally held his in-depth session about how pingbacks work. You can see and listen to his explanations in this (German) video:

And here, some pictorial impressions of WordCamp Würzburg 2018:

WordCamp Barcelona 2018: The Highlights

Another Inpsyder, Emili, visited WordCamp Barcelona. Here is his recap:

“On October 5th and 6th, WordCamp Barcelona took place for the second time already. At first WordCamp Barcelona 2015, I attended, too. It has been the first time I ever visited a WordCamp.

Friday was Contributor Day. There were many topics to contribute to, for example WordPress core, community and translations. I worked at the core table. There, I met other developers and could share my experience and knowledge. On Saturday, the WordCamp took place in the historic building of University Barcelona, a beautiful place in the middle of Barcelona. Besides to other topics, there were talks about Google Analytics, how to scale WordPress to enterprise level and many more. Additionally, I could get to know many more people.”

WordCamp Cologne 2018: The Highlights

WordCamp Cologne was the last WordCamp in Germany this year. The warm up evening on Friday was a happy reunion of people who haven’t seen each other for some time. Again, the WordCamp was organized as barcamp. And Gutenberg was a very important topic. But topics like the REST-API and legal things like GDPR have also been discussed a lot. Moreover we prepared, together with Mittwald, a session about how agencies and hosters work together nowadays and how we started working as partners:

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Inpsyder Daniel visited WordCamp Cologne, too. There, he gave a session about WooCommerce. Summarizing shortly, he explained why WooCommerce is not only the right shop system for “small” shops and that one can barely say at which point a shop is “big”. Moreover he refuted the prejudice WooCommerce would be no real shop system. You can listen to and watch is (German) session here:

On Sunday, Contributor Day, we talked about WordCamp Retreat 2020 and WordCamp Münster/Osnabrück. Additionally, the German hosting team organizes itself more and more and there is a German Marketing team now. This team will take care of creating more visibility for WordPress community topics and will help to gain more visibility for the German WordPress community itself.

WordCamp Lausanne 2018: The Highlights

On Friday, the Contributor Day took place with an usual event: The organizers invited students. They were integrated into several teams. For example, people explained how to start with themes in WordPress and how the theme review works. Moreover, and beside to Core and translation topics, manual tests with Gutenberg were carried out. And last but not least, we made an excursion to the computer museum in the afternoon.

In Lausanne, there were talks about topics like Gutenberg, but also sessions about PWA and GDPR. Our “man-with-the-straw-hat” Robert participated in a panel about multilingualism and presented our plugin MultilingualPress.

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The last panel about this topic took place at WordCamp Europe 2013 in Leiden:

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