People Operations Manager Coralie Naber

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I can really recommend working remotely. It has improved my quality of life a lot.

In this article, we want to introduce Coralie Naber, our People Operations Manager. When Coralie joined our agency as a Business Operations Manager in September 2019, we asked her a few questions to get to know her a little better.

By the way: The Syde Team is 100% remote

This enables us to bring together the best minds in the world in one team. You want to learn more about our way of working and the Syders? Take a look inside Syde!

This is Coralie Naber

Coralie is 30 years old and lives in Dresden, Germany.

Business Operations Manager Coralie Naber

How can you be described?

I have always been very reliable and determined. Maybe, this has something to do with my childhood. In those days, I spent a lot of time with music. I learned to play various instruments and I also sang in choirs. Thereby, I developed great ambition. I always wanted it to sound perfect.

How do you spend your spare time?

Today, I still sing all the time and play the piano and also guitar. I like to make music with my family and especially with my son. In my family, nearly everybody plays an instrument. That’s why we try to make music every time we get together. I think music connects people.

I also like to go ‘bathing in the woods’ with my family and friends. That means: Going into the forest to relax and soak up what you experience with all your senses. Trees may be hugged, too! We do this almost every weekend. Such a trip into nature is simply fulfilling and relaxing. I love to enjoy the moment in nature and to capture special motifs with my camera!

I’ve been traveling a lot lately, too. But mainly within Germany, because it’s easier with my little son.

What is especially important to you?

My family, my faith and self-reflection. I am ambitious and always want to improve myself. I find this important in order to not stand still. That’s why I am very interested in psychology and personality development. This helps me to progress and. at the same time. to understand other people better.

It is also important to me to make my everyday life environmentally friendly. It is important to pay attention to nature. That doesn’t mean that you have to limit yourself completely. But I think that one should try to include a certain environmental awareness in everyday life. That’s why, for example, I try to ride my bicycle instead of using the car whenever possible and take the train whenever I travel.

Professional Career

After graduation, I didn’t know in which direction I should go. I first worked as an au pair in the USA because I was very interested in this country and its language. That was very nice. The au pair activity is partly connected with hurdles, because the children accept this, of course, differently well. But all in all, it was cool and I definitely want to visit the USA again sometime. After my time abroad, I worked in many fields, because I have very different interests. For example, I did an internship with a photographer since photography has always been a lot of fun for me and I am generally interested in creative work.

In the end, I decided to study textile technology because research and development are very exciting fields for me. The studies had to do partly with design, but also a lot with chemistry. Overall, it is very varied and you’re pretty free to choose where you want to go. That was definitely the right choice for me because I was able to try out a lot, such as tanning leather or printing and dyeing textiles. I really enjoy handcrafting. And it’s an exciting task to drive textile technology innovations that play a role in human health, for example, like medical textiles.

After my studies, I had a lot of different jobs. For example in the sales sector, as a service employee and finally as a full-time mom for a few years.

Coralie’s way to Syde

After parental leave, I wanted to further my knowledge and find new challenges. I am generally a very tidy person and this job is all about working in a structured way, recognizing even the smallest mistakes and thus improving processes. It’s a lot of fun for me. And I also enjoy being a valuable member of a team again after parental leave. I’m happy about the opportunity to surpass myself.

In addition, I always found the idea of working remotely almost too good to be true. In this way, you can integrate your work into your life and that’s wonderful! Now, for example, I can pick up my son from kindergarten during lunch break. I can really recommend working remotely. It has improved my quality of life a lot.

I also think it’s great that the Syde team is so international. I love the English language and can now communicate every day with my colleagues and new applicants in English. The team is really great and I like to be a part of it!

Questions to Syder Coralie:

We asked Coralie some questions to give you a chance to get to know her better:

What is the TV show you never miss?

Who has got a TV in this day and age? No, seriously, I don’t own one and I don’t miss it either.

What makes you really angry?

Things that I find unjust (personal and impersonal) and, for example, people who have no interest in making use of common good orientated thinking.

Which job did you do when you were in school?

I delivered newspapers during school and worked as a waitress during my studies.

What was the last book you read?

Dr. Brumm goes hiking.

What was your first reaction when you were given a firm offer by Syde?

I was speechless at first and then totally happy!

What is the unhealthiest thing you do regularly?

Not sleeping enough.

If you found out that your present life is just a dream, would you decide to wake up?

No, because my life is unique and I am grateful for it.

Which character trait in other people annoys you the most?

The inability to take responsibility.

What do you like most about your city?

Nature and culture in equal measure. And the cleanliness!

Have you ever met a celebrity in person?

Hmm, I gotta think about that. Shortly before Christmas, Thomas de Maizière walked past me at Karstadt. Does he count as a celebrity? Unfortunately, I couldn’t involve him in a conversation.

What is the best meal you can cook on your own?

Rakott Krumpli (Hungarian potato casserole).

What would be the slogan of your life?

“Try my best, forgive myself and look good in this dress.”

If the world ended tomorrow, what would you do on your last day?

Go on a breathtaking hiking tour with my family and then eat a large Willy Vanilli soft ice cream with colorful puffed rice topping.

Do you want to join the Syde team?

We are hiring! You can find all the current vacancies on our job page. Take a look!

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