From 21st to 23rd March 2019, it was all about electronic commerce at the seventh eCommerceCamp in Jena. Developers and shop system integrators shared their ideas and experiences. As in previous years, the focus was on technical innovations and effective solutions for eCommerce. Inpsyder Frank Bültge was there too and gave two sessions at the Barcamp. Find out more about eCommerceCamp 2019, why electronic commerce is important to Inpsyde and which topics we want to promote in this field.
Ecommerce, WooCommerce, and Inpsyde
As WordPress Agency and Gold WooCommerce Expert electronic commerce is one of our focal points. We have a lot of experience in fields like usability, performance, security, SEO, and deployment. To us, it is important to evolve ourselves constantly and also to develop eCommerce.
Ecommerce is growing constantly, proceeds are rising. The task now is to optimize processes for providers and customers. Keyword: Digitalization. This does not mean technologization, i.e. a mere conversion from analog to digital. It’s a lot more than that! Digitalization means in this case: to largely optimize processes, to make use of modern technologies for this purpose and to integrate the right tools as efficiently as possible. In a nutshell: Digitalization means reorganizing processes and adapting them to technical progress. In many cases, this requires rethinking.
Because Inpsyde has worked remotely from the beginning, we’ve always worked digitally. So we know what matters. But we never stop learning! So, eCommerceCamp in Jena was definitely valuable for us.

eCommerceCamp 2019: Impressions
“eCommerceCamp is different from the WordCamps we often attend. Here we are an exotic, so to speak. WordPress has not yet reached the status in the world of eCommerce that it could and should have. Which is opposed to the fact that Inpsyde is well-known by the participants of the camp. I think that’s because we are very advanced in technology and in our way of working. We are a young company, that’s why we don’t carry any old baggage.”
As eCommerce is growing steadily and so are the needs and expectations of providers and customers. This is shown above all by the thematic focusses of the eCommerceCamp 2019. Besides questions concerning technical challenges like performance, there was also talk about AI and machine learning.
“I like the atmosphere and dynamic of the eCommerceCamp. There are so many different topics being worked on. The people there are very open and discussions are objective. The topics are treated with a lot of commitment. Many of the camp visitors also took part in the demonstration against article 13. Moreover, it’s noticeable that the eCommerceCamp is always looking for new ways to stimulate exchange. A good example of this was the talk at Shoptechbrunch about constructive arguing with Eric Fischer as host.”
Frank Bültge at eCommerceCamp 2019
Inpsyder Frank has also held two sessions at eCommerceCamp 2019: remote work and deployment. At this point, we give an insight into the contents of his session about remote work. Inpsyde is a German pioneer in this field and we want to share our experiences!
“The session was well attended. Remote is becoming an increasingly important topic in eCommerce because it promises more flexibility and freedom for companies as well as employees. In my talk, it was important to me to emphasize the advantages and also the disadvantages of this way of working. The changeover to remote work is challenging. Therefore, you should be aware of the possibilities and challenges beforehand.”

Challenge Remote
The biggest advantage of remote work is certainly that it provides spatial independence. Employees don’t have to live nearby their company anymore. There are no commutes to work and it is much easier to hire experts from other countries. However, this also gives rise to difficulties. If Employees are from all over the world not only linguistic but also cultural, temporal and legal hurdles have to be overcome.
Good organization is particularly important for remote work. Especially the communication within the company has to function smoothly. To achieve this, it is essential to make effective use of certain communication and planning tools. This also means that every employee must be familiar with them! In addition, employees have to organize themselves. To work in the own four walls requires discipline! Nobody looks directly over your shoulder. Furthermore, you don’t see your colleagues personally. Not everyone can deal with this kind of isolation. That’s why it is important to deal openly with this subject when looking for an applicant.
Conclusion: If remote work is well organized and thought out, it can revolutionize the success and the range of a company! Therefore, it is very important to not simply work at home, but also to adapt all processes perfectly in line with the spirit of digitalization. Do you want to know more about this topic? In the following articles you can find some valuable information about remote and digitalization:
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