Developer Emili Castells

Inpsyde Developer Emili Castells likes drawing and the WordPress Community
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Well, Syde is a place I want to be.

In this article, we want to introduce Emili Castells, our Developer. When Emili joined our agency as a WordPress Engineer in June 2017, we asked him a few questions to get to know him a little better.

By the way: The Syde Team is 100% remote

This enables us to bring together the best minds in the world in one team. You want to learn more about our way of working and the Syders? Take a look inside Syde!

This is Emili Castells

Emili is 43 years old and lives in Reus, Spain.

Internationale WordPress Agentur: Entwickler Emili Castells liebt WordCamps.

Tell us something about yourself …

I live in a little warm town near Barcelona, Spain. In my free time, I like drawing, watching movies and reading books.

Inpsyde Entwickler Emili Castells hat zunächst Grafik Design studiert.
This is a compilation of drawings I made.

Moreover, I love WordPress and it’s community and therefore try to attend as many WordCamps as possible. It’s a great possibility to discover new cities and tour the country. I always try to contribute to the community, for example to create new plugins, review themes or give talks.

Emili’s way to Syde

Before working at Syde, I worked as a freelance developer for digital agencies in Spain. I’ve been drawing since I was a child, therefore, I studied graphic design first. When I started my career in 1999, I learned Flash and used it for many years in conjunction with HTML. ActionScript 3 captivated my interest in programming and since then, I started learning all about object-oriented programming, PHP and JavaScript. Most recently, I focused more on WordPress development. I saw the vacancy in BackWPup’s admin message. Before applying, I visited the Syde website, checked BackWPup’s code and its GitHub page to see how they code other plugins. My conclusion: They love WordPress and they produce top-notch code! So I thought, I want to work there!

At Syde, I’m learning a lot about development topics like testing, debugging and modern PHP development, just to name a few. Working remotely at Syde is great because it enables you to organize your working time flexibly. And it gives you the possibility to travel the whole world while working. In the end, all you need is good WiFi and a laptop computer. Well, Syde is a place I want to be.

Do you want to join the Syde team?

We are hiring! You can find all the current vacancies on our job page. Take a look!

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