Project Manager / Team Lead Fabian Steger

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I like the company’s friendly, communicative, human, trusting, and professional philosophy.

In this article, we want to introduce Fabian Steger, our Project Manager / Team Lead. When Fabian joined our agency as a Project Manager in October 2022, we asked him a few questions to get to know him a little better.

This is Fabian Steger

Fabian lives in Regensburg, Germany.

Fabian Steger at Steinerner Bridge

How would you describe yourself?

My motto is: Be Happy! I’m always happy – or at least I try, so I think I do not count as a “German stereotype”.

If you give people something, like a smile, you will get one back – isn’t that cool? That makes many things so much easier. I believe you can sum up my personality in a few words: happy, friendly, team player, ambitious, eager to learn, adventurous, and did I already say happy?

How do you spend your spare time?

It mostly depends on the weather because most of my hobbies are outside. Because I live in the southern part of Germany, I’m addicted to mountains and alpine lakes – so my activities have a huge connection to them.

I love to ride my motorcycle, go mountaineering, and skiing. As a compromise for bad weather, I go to the gym four times a week.

What is important to you?

For me, we must have good chemistry between people and communicate properly. Without communication, acceptance, and innovation, we work against each other, which leads to a counterproductive environment. You can achieve so much more when you work together and pull on the same strings.

Fabian’s way to Syde

I never was the best pupil at school because nothing seemed interesting to me. 

During my adolescence, I learned to love information technology and was completely addicted to this topic. After I completed my Abitur, I had the choice – to study or do professional training. I decided to do professional training as an IT (Professional in Network Infrastructure & System Integration) because I wanted to focus on the practical over the theoretical.

After three years, I completed the training and became an IT-Systems administrator. During this time, I got involved in several projects and had the privilege of leading some of them. Leading turned out to be so much my thing that I decided to pursue higher education in this topic as a Cert. IT Business Manager / IT Project Manager.

Why was Syde interesting for you?

Syde was interesting to me on many levels. First, I must mention the positivity and kindness of the people working there. Second, I like the company’s friendly, communicative, human, trusting, and professional philosophy.

I have also often had contact with WordPress throughout my career, and I think this is an interesting topic with great potential. There are so many more reasons.

What do you especially like about your new job, or what are you looking forward to?

I like the combination between interesting work and good, cool customers. The new job at Syde fulfills me in many ways, like team play, communication, and fairness. I look forward to learning more and increasing my skills in many topics.

Questions to Syder Fabian

We asked Fabian a few personal questions to learn more about him:

What do you like most about your city?

The old town. The Regensburg Cathedral and Steinerner Bridge are a part of the World’s Heritage and have a huge amount of culture and history. The city also hosts one of the most famous Christmas Markets in Germany.

What is your favorite smartphone app?

Bergfex is a tracking and tours app that helps you find your way, especially when mountaineering. Kurviger is a useful app for motorcycle riders that lets you select your routes depending on preferences- curves, time, etc.

What is the best meal you can cook on your own?

I can cook Schweinebraten, a dish centered around juicy roast pork.

You get stuck in the elevator for many hours and there’s a song playing in a continuous loop, what song would that be?

Everything Rammstein.

By the way: The Syde Team is 100% remote

This enables us to bring together the best minds in the world in one team. You want to learn more about our way of working and the Syders? Take a look inside Syde!

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