Designer Giovanni Valentinis

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From the beginning, I really enjoyed my interviews with the Syde team. I like the people I work with, and I hope we can be good friends. Also, the tasks I am involved in are really fun and challenging.

In this article, we want to introduce Giovanni Valentinis, our Designer. When Giovanni joined our agency as a UI / UX Designer in April 2021, we asked him a few questions to get to know him a little better.

This is Giovanni Valentinis

Giovanni lives in Milano, Italy.

The picture shows the city Milano in Italy.

How would you describe yourself?

I like to think that I am a very curious person and I am always seeking new things to understand and enjoy. This makes me very versatile as an artist. Currently, I am interested in astronomy (I am by far not an expert, but just personally interested). Also, I am reading a lot and watching documentaries. The thing that amazed me the most and pulled me into it are the sheer dimensions of the universe.

How do you spend your spare time?

A bottle of wine and a typical dish at an Italian trattoria with friends is probably the best. I am also a book and music enthusiast and I love to dance in clubs and attend concerts.

I’ve always listened to a lot of music. I don’t have a particular genre or favorite band, just enjoy everything. I started with punk and rock in my youth (But Nirvana, IDLES, Aphex Twin) and now listen to really everything from Bill Evans, Hiatus Kaiyote to Afrobeat Jazz from Kokoroko. There’s always something that I like in every music I listen to.

In literature there are two authors that have impressed me so much. These are Jose Saramago and Italo Calvino.

Giovanni’s way to Syde

I moved to Milano to be on the pulse of the contemporary art scene in Italy when I was 20 years old. Milano is the most relevant city in Italy for that and the capital for design – and the city is growing so fast! There is an economical energy you don’t find anywhere else in Italy.

I studied Product Design because it was something that could be a fun compromise between something technical and pragmatically with its artistic and creative side. Studying and working with real objects and digital products was really great. After that I also studied visual arts & curatorial studies (contemporary art) and did a lot of graphic design work and worked in several art galleries. 

I am interested in how machines and humans interact. I am really fascinated in creating an entire environment of things, structures, objects – like in interior design. And I think that all the design practices have something in common. You always have a user, an experience, a visual part, and you want to create a good experience for somebody.

I felt Syde to be a really focused and promising company. From the beginning, I really enjoyed my interviews with the Syde team.

I like the people I work with, and I hope we can be good friends. Also, the tasks I am involved in are really fun and challenging.

Questions to Syder Giovanni

We asked Giovanni a few personal questions to learn more about him:

What was the last book you read?

The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley

What was the best advice you ever got? Who gave it to you?

Add more ice cubes in your drinks so they do not melt.

What do you like most about your city?

I do really enjoy Chinatown, don’t know exactly why

What is your favorite smartphone app?

Probably YouTube

What is the best meal you can cook on your own?

Carbonara pasta

You get stuck in the elevator for many hours and there’s a song playing in a continuous loop, what song would that be?

Windowlicker by Aphex Twin

By the way: The Syde Team is 100% remote

This enables us to bring together the best minds in the world in one team. You want to learn more about our way of working and the Syders? Take a look inside Syde!

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