What does a Business Operations Manager do?

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We want to introduce you to one of our teams at Inpsyde: Business Operations Management. This field deals with various topics such as recruiting, finance or process optimization at Inpsyde. A lot of documentation is also created, edited, and organized for this purpose. At Inpsyde, all of this is exclusively remote.

Which work areas are covered by Business Operations Management?

Human Resources

A large part of the duties of a Business Operations Manager relates to Human Resources Management, especially recruiting and onboarding a new employee. During recruiting, potential employees are written into various portals, incoming application documents are viewed, test tasks are forwarded to candidates or appointments for applicant interviews are planned.

Once an employee has been found, detailed documentation is available for onboarding, which makes it easier to find your way around on your first day of work at Inpsyde and in your new job, it also explains how to install all the necessary tools, generate access data and other important knowledge in the respective subject area.


Accounting, which is also part of Business Operations Management, is somewhat detached from personnel management. All HR-relevant topics such as payroll or booking of vacation days run through here.

In this department there are other financial logistics that arise within the course of a financial year, such as the purchase of work equipment or tools, the expenses for our annual team events, or WordCamps, are all controlled by the accounting area of ​​Business Operations Management.

Business Operations Management ensures that our colleagues can work smoothly.

Robert Windisch, CIO at Inpsyde

How important is communication?

In Business Operations Management at Inpsyde, there are no fixed drudging meetings, but rather asynchronous meetings. That means we meet virtually whenever we need a conversation that is of interest to all business operations managers.

Despite this, we are in constant contact with each other and, if necessary, exchange information several times a day via short official channels. This is usually done in writing via our Slack communication platform.

Informal meetings as “feel-good meetings,” in which we also talk about our private lives or simply have fun, also take place. Because in addition to work – which is available in abundance – it is important to have a short break, where we do not deal with work topics while being able to maintain contact with one another..

Which work equipment is used?

For our daily work we use well-known tools such as 

  • Slack for communication,
  • Jira/Confluence for documentation and task management,
  • Google Workspace for agile work,
  • Personio for employee management or
  • Billomat for cloud accounting.

Processes are the glue that holds a system together.

Kai Yang, American economist

What are the daily requirements in business operations management? What skills are needed?


In order to work with us in Business Operations Management, it is not absolutely necessary to have a degree. The same goes for training. What counts for us is a subject-related background, which can consist of different experiences of the individual. For example, different professional experiences count more for recruiting than for finance. Nevertheless, each person brings their expertise to the team as a strength.

It is also essential for our Business Operations Managers to have a good understanding of human nature and to easily empathize with others. The personality that suits us in Business Operations Management also brings along a growth mindset, so that you are willing to learn new things and develop yourself.


We are beside each of our colleagues at Inpsyde with words and deeds and see ourselves as the glue that holds the company together. The boundaries to our department are therefore rather fluid, as we basically ensure that everything runs smoothly and that every Inpsyder works smoothly.

Since we make sure that the company works, and report directly to the management level, we have to prioritize our tasks and requirements, and communicate them clearly. There are therefore workflows for our daily work routine, but they can be individually adapted at any time. We work very flexibly.

We are subject to the GDPR, especially for our German employees. Of course, this also applies across the EU to our European Inpsyders, but at the German level, somewhat different laws apply to the processing of personal data. That is why we always have to stay up to date with the latest knowledge.

Further education

We strive to expand our knowledge and skills. This is mainly done through self-taught training and learning-by-doing.

Inpsyde is a 100% remote company with employees all over the world. That is why we already have a globally oriented way of thinking and acting and are always open to innovations and improvements – whether for the employees, Inpsyde, or our own department.

Individual experiences of our Business Operations Managers

We asked our Business Operations Management Team for a personal insight into their daily work, which is very exciting to read:

The work as Business Operations Manager at Inpsyde is currently very diverse and varied. It moves between administration and internal support on the one hand (digital inbox, procurement measures, invoice management, allocation of accounts/logins, GDPR), process management (definition, analysis, control and optimization of workflows, tools, documentation) to Human resources management (internal, external) on the other.

Since Inpsyde is growing steadily, and with it our tasks, we are striving for a more precise distribution of responsibilities and roles in Business Operations Management within the framework of further recruitment in order to do better justice to the individual sub-areas.

Inpsyde’s Business Operations Management Team lives a strong team spirit. We always have an open ear and support one another wherever possible. We also get to know and appreciate each other better and better in our private lives. This motivates us to do our best for Inpsyde every day, to keep a cool head even with a high workload and to always meet all Inpsyde with openness and understanding.

Coralie Naber – Business Operations Manager

Working in the Business Operations Management Team at Inpsyde is one of the best experiences I’ve had in my professional life. For me it’s a fantastic opportunity to get to know a whole new world: the world of developers. I’ve learned so much about technology and working remotely that it has been a wonderful experience so far.

As a team, we have defined our roles very well in the various areas of business operations management, but at the same time support each other when we need it. In my personal experience, I learned about HR, support, research and my favorite subject, the GDPR.

My teammates are the best; we have such a great relationship and every Friday in our team meeting we laugh and share our lives. All because our team leader Robert is as positive, sensitive, cooperative, and professional as all of my colleagues. Working in such a multicultural environment is just amazing.

This experience in Business Operations Management is a real asset to my professional career and my personal life. It’s the dream job I’ve always wanted. Every day I say to myself: I love my job!

Francisca Soto – Limited Access Business Operations Manager

In addition to various accounting activities, my tasks also include working with our tax advisor and banks, controlling and reporting to our management.

I am also working on further digitization and optimization in the entire financial area, so that Inpsyde continues to be modern, efficient, and future-proof.

But it’s not just great to work in a team. I really enjoy working in the Business Operations Management Team. There is a great sense of togetherness and mutual support. I’m looking forward to getting to know my colleagues personally.

I really enjoy working at Inpsyde and it is important to me to mention that the Business Operations Management Team is part of a large team, namely the Inpsyde Team. We are a company and a team. Together we all contribute to the success of the company. This is important and must be kept in mind at all times. In large or rapidly growing companies, there is sometimes the risk that departments no longer work together as teams, but rather as competitors.

Daniel Deck – Business Operations Manager Accounting

Since work equipment is also organized through our department, we monitor trends or optimizations in communication media and workflows. Therefore we reconsider the acquisition of new tools if necessary so that our colleagues can always work in the best possible way.

Our Business Operations Managers also focus on recruiting additional employees. Because Inpsyde wants to continue to grow and employ the best employees who complete all our exciting projects with skills and enthusiasm.

Does a job at Inpsyde sound exciting and challenging to you? Check out our current job vacancies!

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