Sadly, due to Corona, our last annual team meeting took place three years ago. But now, finally, the time had come again, and we were able to spend 6 wonderful days together in Barcelona.
While working from home is not yet standard in many companies, remote work has proven itself in our company for 15 years now. It allows us to unite the best employees in the world. Nevertheless, personal contact and friendly, family-like relationships are very important to us. In Barcelona, we spent a great time together and shared instructive, exciting and fun days. You want to find our more about our trip? Then read on below:
Arrivals & Planning
Our People Operations team started preparing for the team event as early as January because it takes a lot of planning to bring all Inpsyders from all over the world together. No expense or effort was spared: from travel to accommodation, catering, locations and the entire programme. But despite all the planning, one or two people still had problems on arrival. But even these challenges were overcome by our organisational team so that we were finally all united in Barcelona: The first challenge was mastered.

Getting to “know” each other
Yes, we deliberately put this word in inverted commas because quite a few people already knew each other at the Inpsyde team event – but most of them only remotely via the screen. As our company has grown strongly in recent years, our international team has grown in size from 35 to 120 Inpsyder since the last team event in 2019. That made our meeting all the more exciting.
The joy and emotion we experienced when “getting to know each other” can hardly be put into words: The feeling of embracing colleagues and friends with whom we have been through thick and thin for the first time was incredible. Some tears of joy were also shed.

Workshops: A good mix of productivity, team building and learning
The workshop days kicked off on Monday morning with an emotional opening speech by our CEO Alex in a great event location. Again, some of us were moved to tears. All in all, we spent the first three days with a very productive workshop programme. In the run-up, the Inpsyders had prepared various topics, which we then worked on in Barcelona.
The workshops were a mix of transparent insights into the future corporate strategy, technical seminars and various team building activities.
Particular emphasis was placed on team building. At Inpsyde our employees are the most important thing after all. Fair, tolerant, sensitive and appreciative cooperation is of great importance in a multicultural team. Therefore, several workshops were offered to promote intercultural competencies. Our team’s diversity is a great asset for everyone: it makes us more creative, more open and more tolerant.

Experiencing adventures together.
During three intensive and effective workshop days, we were able to make a lot of progress. But fun was also part of the agenda. After the workshops, there were three days of leisure activities to compensate. A wide range of activities was on offer, from a guided tour of the city and a visit to the stadium to a flamenco show and a group beach volleyball tournament.
A memorable adventure was the “Out of The Room Tour” through Barcelona, where small groups were challenged to discover the city by solving riddles. Some teams had to work up quite a sweat, as time was also a factor. Nevertheless, all teams were able to solve the puzzle successfully in the end.
Another highlight was a very special surprise: a sailing trip! We danced, laughed and ate together in front of the beautiful Barcelona backdrop accompanied by the sound of the sea. These moments we spent together on the water at the Barcelona coast will certainly remain in our memories for a long time. After all, this is where we went through thick and thin. Even though a few landlubbers struggled with the strong waves, we all happily reached the shore again in the end.

Our team trip was a great experience for all of us. The mixture of pursuing goals together and sharing adventures, as well as unforgettable experiences, simply unites a team. Once again, this made it clear to us: no matter where we work from, whether remotely or together on site – we love our work and our colleagues.
Our annual team event is a very important event for every Inpsyder, and we are already looking forward to the next one! Maybe with you too? Then apply here:
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