Project Manager / Team Lead Ljiljana Fizesan

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I’m always learning and I like to gain new knowledge. To work at Syde is a new challenge for me and thinking about what I’ve achieved so far makes me proud on a daily basis.

In this article, we want to introduce Ljiljana Fizesan, our Project Manager / Team Lead. When Ljiljana joined our agency as a Supporter in February 2021, we asked her a few questions to get to know her a little better.

This is Ljiljana Fizesan

Ljiljana in Novi Sad, Serbia.

The picture shows Ljiljana with a backpack. She smiles at the camera and in the background there is a park bench and a piece of meadow.

How would you describe yourself?

I’m just someone looking for my own space under the sun, my own corner of happiness. I finished medical college but never worked as a doctor but as a professional photographer instead. A Person is never too old to start again and find himself. Syde is my new beginning.

My family and friends are most important.

How do you spend your spare time?

II like to watch movies and TV shows as I have a great passion for cinematography in general. I spend the rest of my spare time with my family and friends.

Ljiljana Fizesan’s way to Syde

I’m always learning and I like to gain new knowledge. To work at Syde is a new challenge for me. Also my husband and brother in law have a smile on their faces since they work at Syde and so my wish grew to do so, too!

And it is a wonderful experience, working side by side with interesting people – and my husband 🙂

In those few weeks I met my team and already can call some of them my friends. They have been here for every single one of my questions and have shown their unconditional support and patience and aren’t those the best attributes for friends?!

I can really say my colleagues are amazing!

Questions to Syder Ljiljana Fizesan

We asked Ljiljana Fizesan a few personal questions to learn more about her:

Who was your hero as a child?

The Pink Power Ranger

What is the TV show you never miss?

Friends, Will and Grace and lots of Serbian classic TV shows

Who is your favorite cartoon character?

Snowball bunny from The Pets

What is your midnight snack?

Probably something sweet 😀

What was the last book you read?

Tracy Chevalier – A Single Thread

What is the best present you ever got?

White Bunny

If you had a superpower, what would that be?

Moving stuff with mind power and flying

What is your favorite movie?

La Vita e Bella

Describe your ideal weekend.

Movies, snacks, and probably some walk outside if the weather is nice

What was your first reaction when you were given a firm offer by Syde?


What is on your bucket list?

Time traveling 😀

What is the best part of your personality?

Sense of humor and kindness

What do you like most about your city?

Feeling that I am home

If you could travel through time, what time would you visit first?

Ancient Greece

By the way: The Syde Team is 100% remote

This enables us to bring together the best minds in the world in one team. You want to learn more about our way of working and the Syders? Take a look inside Syde!

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