Business Operations Manager Max Wolters

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I really enjoy being here. Because I can deal with new topics every day and would not describe any of my tasks as monotonous.

In this article, we want to introduce Max Wolters, our Business Operations Manager. When Max joined our agency in June 2019, we asked him a few questions to get to know him a little better.

By the way: The Syde Team is 100% remote

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This is Max Wolters

Max is 26 years old and lives in Cologne, Germany.

Inpsyde Business Operations Manager Max Wolters

I’ve been living in Cologne for three years. Originally, I come from Krefeld, which is not far away from here. I feel super comfortable here. Many of my friends from school are also here. Cologne is a really beautiful city and the people have a very open nature. I love to spend summer days at the Rhine or in one of the many parks.

What is important to you?

Freedom and openness for new things. I think openness helps you change. Anyone who has only one opinion and always persists in it lives a monotonous life. In this way, you don’t even notice what possibilities you have. There are so many things you can and should try out! Openness is also important when traveling because it makes you simply see and experience more.

In my first job, I realized how important freedom is to me, especially in my everyday professional life. Everything was so tightly scheduled: When you have to be there, when you have to go, when you have lunch … At Syde, I can schedule my time freely. Now, I can go jogging at lunchtime or cook something for myself. I really enjoy that. Thus, remote working is just the ticket for me.

What’s your favorite way to spend your free time?

With my girlfriend, friends, sports and traveling. I like to be in the fresh air. I go jogging regularly and play football with friends. But I also like to try out other sports.

If I have enough time, I travel. Preferably with my backpack. In this way, you simply learn more about people’s lives and cultures. It’s more genuine than being in a hotel. Right now, I’m learning Spanish and when I’m ready, I really want to visit South America. I am very interested in the life of this culture. They deal with each other differently there and have other values than here. The landscape is of course also a dream and I am looking forward to tasting the food!

Professional Career

One of my favorite subjects in school was sports and I always wanted to study sports. When it came to finding a suitable place to study, I quickly realized that this was more of a hobby for me. That’s why I finally decided to study International Business Economics in the Netherlands. The main reason for this decision was that I was able to get to know many different fields during my studies. It also gave me more flexibility in choosing my future career. And I could eat as much Netherland Frikandel Special – a kind of meat roll with mayonnaise, ketchup and onions – as I wanted!

Even though I studied abroad, it didn’t really feel like it because my hometown was only an hour away from the university. I didn’t even have to move. My major fields of study were controlling and finance and I enjoyed them very much. I especially liked the fact that my studies were very practice-oriented. I also had a language Dutch course for four semesters, but unfortunately, I don’t remember much. That’s simply not my language. One of my best study experiences was my semester abroad in New Zealand.

I had many interesting side jobs during my studies, for example as a bartender in the football stadium business lounge of Fortuna Düsseldorf and Borussia Dortmund and also disguised as Santa Claus in a shopping mall to amuse the children. Especially the work in the stadium was quite interesting. Besides numerous football players and ABC to Z list celebrities, there were many exciting and funny events. I even made a Currywurst for Angela Merkel! After my studies, I worked as a project manager at a communications agency.

Max‘s way to Syde

Syde was very interesting for me right from the start because the entire company is structured digitally. I also found the company’s public image very appealing. I really enjoy being here. Because I can deal with new topics every day and would not describe any of my activities as monotonous.

I also like the fact that I have a lot of freedom in my decisions and can exchange ideas openly with every employee. This is a huge advantage for me and it makes me very happy that I can work from anywhere in the world (as long as the internet is available). I have been looking for remote jobs for a long time. Many companies offer home office, but working completely remotely is not yet fully accepted. That’s why I was super happy that it worked here.

Questions to Syder Max

We asked Max a few personal questions, so you can get to know him better:

Who is your favorite cartoon character?

Captain Balu.

What was the last book you read?

The Big 5 for Life.

What should be written on your gravestone?

I’ll be back.

If you had a superpower, what would that be?

To be immortal.

What is your favorite movie?


What is on your bucket list?

I want to fit out my own van and go on a trip around the world.

What did you want to be when you were a child?

Professional football player.

You get stuck in the elevator for many hours and there’s a song playing in a continuous loop, what song would that be?

Depeche Mode – Just Can’t Get Enough.

If you could travel through time, which time would you visit first?

The Middle Ages.

Which of your favorite TV shows is not on the air anymore?

How I Met Your Mother.

What is the best meal you can cook on your own?

Sweet potato chicken spinach lasagna.

If someone gave you an envelope with the date of your death, would you open it?

No, I’d be more interested in the cause of death.

Do you want to join the Syde team?

We are hiring! You can find all the current vacancies on our job page. Take a look!

* Many thanks to Eric Weber for the photo we used in the header section of this article

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