Business Operations Manager Olga Magnusson

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I like that I can work with people and bring value and improvements to their (and mine) professional lives.

In this article, we want to introduce Olga. She is a Business Operations Manager at the Inpsyde Team.

Olga studied English and Spanish and started working in the IT Industry after graduation. Moving forward she gained a lot of experience in Project, Process and Product Management.

This is Olga Magnusson

Olga lives in Sibiu, Romania.

The collage shows three pictures where Olga is dancing salsa.
Olga has been dancing for 15 years.

How would you describe yourself?

I am a naturally curious person and have so many interests, I gave up counting a while ago :).

People and especially human behavior fascinate me. How we think and how we feel and why, the way we make decisions and why as well as our reactions are particularly interesting to me.

I love traveling, reading, cooking and dancing.

Starting with ballroom dancing, I moved to Salsa, Bachata and Kizomba a while later. I’ve been dancing for 15 years, today I dance Salsa and Bachata in tournaments and teach it in classes as well.

While traveling, I like to explore new places and cultures. I usually do not visit museums and such but try to look for authentic experiences. Once I visited Egypt and asked the taxi driver to bring me to the best local market and I just fell in love with the culture immediately.

Respectful communication, honesty and kindness are very important values for me.

How do you spend your spare time?

I love learning new things. So in my spare time I am exploring various interests, like philosophy, physics or more hands-on skills like construction, which I ended up knowing a bit about because my parents are civil engineers.

Also, I like to work in our garden and bake. I read recipes and combine everything. My favorite is a 3-tier chocolate mousse cake with dark, milk and white chocolate on top.

Even though I haven’t watched cable TV in more than 15 years, I like watching Football with my husband. Our favorite club is FC Barcelona.

Olga’s way to Inpsyde

I am a project manager… or as I like to think of it, I am a people’s person who knows how to manage projects.

I started in this field about 10 years ago even though I studied languages (English and Spanish) at Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj, Romania.

In my mind, everything is interconnected. So I studied languages because I thought that with speaking the two most spoken languages in the world, I am flexible to do everything I want.

After graduation, I was an IT Customer Supporter at an international company in my country. But as my mother got sick I needed the flexibility to take care of her and was running my own translation office for 5 years. After she felt better, I switched into IT Project Management. 

Since I started in IT, I gained a lot of experience in Project, Process and Product Management at enterprise level. 

I managed several high level projects for Colt Technology Services in the UK, including a SaaS project, a regulatory project, a new product development project, etc.

After that, I joined Robert Walters and implemented a Project Management Office (PMO). A PMO department sits outside the projects department and controls and supports the projects of the company on an overall level. It helps with strategy, audit, operational issues, resource management, etc.

After working in huge enterprises and big cities for 10 years, I wanted to change my working environment and was looking for remote jobs that offer me the same possibility of working on an enterprise level and Inpsyde was a perfect match.

I wanted to see the world from a smaller company’s side. I also enjoy the multicultural environment.

I like that I can work with people and bring value and improvements to their (and mine) professional lives.

Questions to Inpsyder Olga

We asked Olga a few personal questions to learn more about her:

What was the last book you read?

Thinking fast and slow by Daniel Kahneman and The User Illusion by Tor Norretranders

What was the best advice you ever got? Who gave it to you?

Always be nice with everyone, no matter who they are and where they are coming from. You never know where life might take you. 
My mother

What do you like most about your city?

Its multicultural community and the event life.

What is the best meal you can cook on your own?

Cake, everything cake 🙂

You get stuck in the elevator for many hours and there’s a song playing in a continuous loop, what song would that be?

Daniel Santacruz – Bajo la Lluvia – if I get stuck this week. Ask me again next week 🙂

By the way: The Syde Team is 100% remote

This enables us to bring together the best minds in the world in one team. You want to learn more about our way of working and the Syders? Take a look inside Syde!

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