Supporter for WordPress Pedro Vieira

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I am especially looking forward to interacting with people from all over the world.

In this article, we want to introduce Pedro Vieira, our Supporter for WordPress. When Pedro joined our agency in May 2022, we asked him a few questions to get to know him a little better.

This is Pedro Vieira

Pedro lives in Joinville, Brazil.

Pórtico de Joinville

How would you describe yourself?

I am a people person. I love meeting new people and learning about their lives and backgrounds, especially those outside my country. I can almost always find common ground with strangers, and I like making people feel comfortable in my presence.

I see myself as a calm and open-minded person, and the desire to travel around the world drives me to improve myself and set goals for my life.

How do you spend your spare time?

I like photography and taking pictures of nature and I also spend my free time with friends and family.

What is important to you?

Knowledge, family, and this moment.

Pedro’s way to Syde

I have one and a half years of work as a supporter and project analyst in a website company. I like working in the support role because of its importance as the bridge between clients and the dev team. I am excited to have the chance to work in a renowned company with a great culture.

I am especially looking forward to interacting with people from all over the world.

Questions to Syder Pedro

We asked Pedro a few personal questions to learn more about him:

What was the last book you read?

Becoming a better programmer by Pete Goodlife.

What was the best advice you ever got? Who gave it to you?

My father once said, “Have the strength to change what you can and the wisdom to accept what cannot be changed.”

What do you like most about your city?

The amount of nature close by.

What is your favorite smartphone app?


What is the best meal you can cook on your own?

Pudding, I can make a really good milk pudding.

You get stuck in the elevator for many hours and there’s a song playing in a continuous loop. What song would that be?

“Spring Movement 1 Allegro” by Vivaldi.

By the way: The Syde Team is 100% remote

This enables us to bring together the best minds in the world in one team. You want to learn more about our way of working and the Syders? Take a look inside Syde!

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