Team Lead Business Operations Richard Winterstetter

Project manager Rich Winterstetter supports the WordPress agency Inpsyde.
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Syde gave me the opportunity to gather new experiences and improve my skills.

In this article, we want to introduce Richard Winterstetter, our Team Lead Business Operations. When Richard joined our agency in May 2018, we asked him a few questions to get to know him a little better.

By the way: The Syde Team is 100% remote

This enables us to bring together the best minds in the world in one team. You want to learn more about our way of working and the Syders? Take a look inside Syde!

This is Rich Winterstetter

Rich is 30 years old and lives in Munich, Germany.

Das ist Inpsyde Projektmanager Rich Winterstetter

Tell us something about yourself …

Besides my work, I really like to read – actually all genres are potential reading material. Like most book lovers, I like to take paper and pen and write for myself, too. Recently I published my first science fiction novel “The Foreign Effect” via Books on Demand. Moreover, I’m a friend of games – both digital games on PC and consoles as well as analog ones like board games, Pen and Paper and Table Top Systems (e.g. Warhammer). I really don’t like the term “nerd” – but it fits me.

Rich’s way to Syde

After I finished my high school graduation and my civil service, I had the glorious idea to make myself ineligible for the general labor market and study “Game Design”. Three years later, and with a bachelor’s degree in Game Design, I went straight into the gaming industry. First, I worked in the field of quality assurance and then was in the Project Lead/ Game Design of a well-established Munich developer. During the last one and a half years, I worked as product manager at a free2play publisher.

For some time now I wanted to leave the gaming industry to further develop myself. Therefore I want to use the position at Syde to gain more experience in the field of project management.

Questions to Syder Rich

We asked Rich a few personal questions to give you the chance to learn more about him. 

What is the TV show you never miss?

My television connection collects dust for more than ten years now.

What is your biggest vice?

When it comes to consuming, I literally have not the slightest self-control. If I want to have something, I want it directly. For any reasons.

What makes you really angry?

I like working myself up often and extensive about many things. In Bavaria, Germany, you call this “Grantln”. It’s an attitude to life!

Which job did you do when you were in school?

I had many little jobs during school and studying times. But drilling round about 1000 holes in 1000 pieces of metal every day four weeks long was a very special experience …

What was the last book you read?

For We Are Many by Dennis E. Taylor – the second book of the Bobiverse Trilogy. It’s about a software developer who awakes as a software system of a space probe 100 years after his death. At the moment I prefer science fiction.

If you had a superpower, what would that be?

To stop time. There are so many things to do! I have so many leisure activities for which I simply have too little time. Well, and if I take the time, I sleep too little. The day should have more than 24 hours.

Do you have a favorite karaoke song?

Those who sing don’t have the money to drink!

Describe your ideal weekend.

Sleep long, good coffee, good weather – not too hot – and a mixture of laying on the couch and read or play games or sit in the pub with friends or make a games evening.

Do you want to join the Syde team?

We are hiring! You can find all the current vacancies on our job page. Take a look!

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