Team Lead Rico Keidel

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I felt that this company could be a good fit for my interests and talents. And my feeling was right!

In this article, we want to introduce Rico Keidel, our Team Lead. When Rico joined our agency as a Project Manager in January 2021, we asked him a few questions to get to know him a little better.

This is Rico Keidel

Rico Keidel lives in Eldoret, Kenya.

In the picture Rico is running along a path in sports clothes. The path is at higher altitudes, because in the background is a valley.
Running is Rico’s greatest passion

How would you describe yourself?

First of all, I think education, hobbies and where people live, somehow tell quite a bit about themselves. So I can tell you that I‘m an engineer for mechanical and chemical processing. In addition to that, my biggest hobby is running. In fact, running is so important to me, that it is the reason why I’m living in a rural area of Kenya right now. 

If you want me to pick some words to describe myself, I would say I‘m ambitious, hard-working, persistent, friendly and adventurous.

It is important to me that people take care of each other to make each other’s lives as joyful as possible.

How do you spend your spare time?

Competitive running is one of my passions, so a lot of my spare time, I spend it with training. Since I moved to Kenya, the conditions are fantastic and I am able to learn and train with the best runners in the world in a beautiful rural environment. I love to spend every free minute with my son, who was born last year. If I have some extra time, I also like to play chess or read a book.

Rico’s way to Syde

During school, I struggled a lot with the linguistic-artistic-literary field of activity, but mathematics, physics, everything that is logical came easy to me. When I finished school, I first had to do military service and found out that I can do it abroad. So, I worked with mentally disabled people in Scotland. During that year, I decided to study at University, and I wanted to do something dealing with mathematics and science and ended up with mechanical engineering. 

During my mechanical engineering studies, I had to choose a field of specialization and decided on chemical engineering. So I was writing code for engineering problems, and I started writing my own little app and creating my small website in my spare time. 

After completing my master’s degree, I worked as a research assistant in thermodynamics. I moved to Kenya and found out about Syde. I felt that this company could be a good fit for my interests and talents. And my feeling was right! I am glad to be here! I really like working remotely and enjoy the flexible working hours.

Questions to Syder Rico

We asked Rico a few personal questions to learn more about him:

What was the last book you read?

The Book With No Name by Anonymous.
I received it as a gift from a Kenyan.

What is the best present you ever got?

A bicycle when I was 9 years old. I still use it almost 20 years later and it took me far. 🙂

What is your favorite movie?


What is on your bucket list?

Accompanying my girlfriend to a marathon in Bali together with my son.

What would be the slogan of your life?

Learn from the best.

Superman, Batman, or Spider-Man?


By the way: The Syde Team is 100% remote

This enables us to bring together the best minds in the world in one team. You want to learn more about our way of working and the Syders? Take a look inside Syde!

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