Project Manager / Team Lead Sönke Grewe

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When I came across the job ad, I was immediately convinced of the corporate culture and remote working.

In this article, we want to introduce Sönke Grewe, our Project Manager / Team Lead. When Sönke joined our agency as a Team Lead in October 2019, we asked him a few questions to get to know him a little better.

By the way: The Syde Team is 100% remote

This enables us to bring together the best minds in the world in one team. You want to learn more about our way of working and the Syders? Take a look inside Syde!

This is Sönke Grewe

Sönke is 34 years old and lives in Kronshagen, Germany.

Sönke Grewe with a big fishing catch and his dog

From Kronshagen, it is only about 10 minutes to the baltic sea by car. I often go there with my dog after work. I also go sea fishing which is one of my favorite hobbies. My whole family lives here, too. After a few years outside during my studies and work, I came back to spend more time with them and to be near the sea. Children of the sea are hard to get away from it.

What is especially important to you?

My family and friends. And also my freedom and thus my campervan. On my last trip, I was in Norway. The landscape there was really impressive. In spring, I’ll head towards Portugal.

Norwegian landscape taken from above
Sönke’s pictures of the varied landscape of Norway

I find traveling very grounding. Exploring the surroundings also shows you your own context – especially if you are outside of Europe when you see the things you normally only know from television. You see real cultures with real problems. That makes it less abstract. It is also a great feeling to experience the hospitality of the people, for example in Sri Lanka. How much they gave me there, although they didn’t have much. One should remember that more often.

How do you spend your spare time?

I like being outside. I used to go deep-sea fishing with my father. In recent years, I have rediscovered fishing for myself, especially on holiday in Norway and Sweden. It’s pretty cool to fish in the sea. Fishing is a relaxing hobby and I can take my dog with me.

If the opportunity arises, I also like to make music. I play guitar and sing. I even used to play in a ska band. Today, I only perform on private occasions like birthdays and such. And the music style has changed. The soft tones are more of my strength now. You could say: slushy songs with acoustic guitar.

I also do sports. Mostly classic sports like fitness and strength training to keep the lazy office body fit. And I like to tinker. For example, I have built model airplanes with a lot of high tech like GPS, cameras, etc. By the way: That’s how the Norwegian pictures were taken. I have a lot of other hobbies and interests. That’s why I always do this in phases, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to do everything.

Sönke’s way to Syde

When I came across the job ad, I was immediately convinced of the corporate culture and remote working. I really wanted to try it out for myself. It was the next logical step for me, as I had already worked a lot in video conferencing in my previous positions. For me, working remotely is just amazing. I like the productivity that comes with it. You have a high output and it’s much less complicated. I also have more freedom and feel less restricted. For example, I can spontaneously take my dog out during the break.

As a team lead, you have a lot of different responsibilities. The spectrum reaches from sales/account management to product management and also involves a formal team leadership component. It feels like most of my professional experience is put to good use here. I like the Syde staff and I am looking forward to lending a hand in shaping the future of Syde.

Questions to Syder Sönke

We asked Sönke a few personal questions to give you the chance to learn more about him:

Which famous person was your hero as a child?

Indiana Jones.

What is the TV show you never miss?

I don’t really follow shows closely anymore. One of my favorites is Breaking Bad.

What makes you really angry?

I really don’t rage a lot. I would say it is quite difficult to make me lose my temper.

What is your midnight snack?

Ben and Jerry’s Half Baked.

What was the last book you read?

Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty ‒ James A. Robinson.

What should be written on your gravestone?

Party’s over. So long and thanks for all the fish.

What is the best present you ever got?

Presents were a lot more awesome when you were a kid, so I will go with the Nintendo Entertainment System.

Do you have a favorite karaoke song?

Michael Jackson ‒ Man in the mirror.

What is your favorite movie?

Pulp Fiction.

What was your first reaction when you were given a firm offer by Syde?

“Crazy, this might be life changing!”

What would you grab first if your house was on fire?

My dog.

You get stuck in the elevator for many hours and there’s a song playing in a continuous loop, what song would that be?

The Proclaimers – I’m Gonna Be (500 miles).

What was the best advice you ever got?

“Shape your own future” ‒ one of the last things my dad told me.

While watching which movie did you cry the most?

Indiana Jones 4 – that film was heartbreaking. Within a few hours the whole childhood was destroyed. And watching E.T. as a kid was rough, too.

Which character trait in other people annoys you the most?

Egomania, lack of respect.

What are you really good at?

Rational thinking, competitive games.

What is the best meal you can cook on your own?

Since I am an angler I am good with all sorts of fish dishes. My favorite, though, is leg of venison in mulled wine sauce with rosemary potatoes and red cabbage.

Are you sentimental about some of the things you have?

My dad’s old Mercedes. It’s closing in on oldtimer status and driving it really takes me back to all kinds of places.

If someone gave you an envelope with the date of your death, would you open it?

Heck, no.

What would be the slogan of your life?

“Not here to please but pleasant nonetheless!”

Superman, Batman, or Spider-Man?

Spider-Man! Superman: Absolute power with a simplistic morality. Batman: Take away the gadgets and he is toast. With the Joker, one of the best villains though.

Do you want to join the Syde team?

We are hiring! You can find all the current vacancies on our job page. Take a look!

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