Support Specialist Matheus Gomes

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The more I know the company the more I am in love with the operations model and how the team members trust each other to get the job done.

In this article, we want to introduce Matheus Pinheiro Gomes. He complements the Inpsyde team in the field of Content & Migration Support since December 2020.

This is Matheus Pinheiro Gomes 

Matheus lives in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

This picture shows Matheus at sunset on the beach in Rio de Janeiro. In the background there are the lights of the city.
Matheus is enjoying one of his favorite views

How would you describe yourself?

I would describe myself as a curious person and an avid learner. I love going through new experiences, traveling to explore new places and cultures. I love reading books on philosophy and psychology, and my main hobby is to learn new languages. Knowing my time on Earth is limited is a great motivator to do more while I have the energy and health to do it. 

How do you spend your spare time?

As I live in Rio de Janeiro, there is a lot to do in my free time. So, to exercise I usually go on hikes like Pico do Papagaio or Pico da Tijuca. There I can chill at the peak and see one of the most amazing views. After a hike, it is a classic to visit Ipanema beach and have a good caipirinha lying on the sand. As Rio is hot all year, it is possible to keep this lifestyle without any problems.

Matheus’s way to Inpsyde

During my studies, I was working at the sales department of Osklen clothing store and after at Janeiro Hotel. I learned a lot about Customer Service and used the skills I acquired in college to deal with people from all over the world. My final thesis was about International Crime Organizations in Brazil, describing their logistics in South America as well. 

The best about Customer Service is the lack of a strict routine and the amount of impact you have on people’s lives. Of course, it requires patience to deal with difficult situations, but it is a work that makes me ready for other life situations. 

Inpsyde gave me the chance to have the remote working lifestyle that only a few people in Brazil experience. Working remotely is the future, and I have the privilege of learning how it is at such a young age. The more I know the company, the more I am in love with the operations model and how the team members trust each other to get the job done.  

I enjoy the contact I have with people from all around the globe and the flexibility to work based on results and not on the number of hours. I am looking forward to learning more about IT and help my team in different ways.

Questions to Inpsyder Matheus 

We asked Matheus a few personal questions to learn more about him:

Who was your hero as a child?

My Father. Because against all odds, he became who he is.

Who is your favorite cartoon character?

Dexter from the Cartoon movies.

What is your midnight snack?


What was the last book you read?

The Book On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are by Alan Watts. 

What is the best present you ever got?

A chessboard.

If you had a superpower, what would that be?

I would love to be Flash

What is your favorite movie?


Describe your ideal weekend.

Barbecue with friends at the beach, having a nice talk about the past and future projects.

What was your first reaction when you were given a firm offer by Inpsyde?

Ordering Japanese food to celebrate. 

What is on your bucket list?

Traveling around Brazil. 

What did you want to be when you were a child?

Firefighter, but I discovered it is not for me.

You get stuck in the elevator for many hours and there’s a song playing in a continuous loop, what song would that be?

Something instrumental would be less painful I think. 

What was the best advice you ever got? Who gave it to you?

Do what they don’t want to do now, so later you can do what they cannot. My father probably stole that from a movie.

What is the best part of your personality?


What do you like most about your city?

The diverse activities you can do inside Rio de Janeiro. It is a full range of places which go from fancy restaurants to isolated beaches. 

If you could travel through time, what time would you visit first?

Brazilian colonial times.

What are you really good at?

Adapting to new situations and places.

Have you ever met a celebrity in person?

Yes, I used to work in a five-star hotel, so a lot of Brazilian stars went there.

About what would your friends say “that’s typical you”?

Going to a new restaurant alone and order something I never ate. 

What is your favorite smartphone app?


What is the best meal you can cook on your own?

Pasta with soy protein bolognese.

Are you sentimental about some of the things you have?

My computer, because it holds so much of my memories in it. 

Superman, Batman, or Spider-Man?


By the way: The Syde Team is 100% remote

This enables us to bring together the best minds in the world in one team. You want to learn more about our way of working and the Syders? Take a look inside Syde!

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