Tammie Lister – WordPress Developer

I look forward to the day I can contribute back to the culture and not only learn but also share my knowledge.

This is Tammie Lister.

Tammie Lister

She lives in England.

How would you describe yourself?

I am passionate about open source and creating experiences that work no matter what the circumstances.

How do you spend your spare time?

I often create art in many forms, from painting to photography. I also grow plants and spend a lot of time with my dog recharging in the countryside.

What is important to you?

To create a sustainable future. To create products that empower, connect, enable, and support those creating them.

Tammie’s way to Inpsyde

I have had many roles in my life, from development to design. My WordPress journey began even before my profile on wordpress.org in 2006 when I began my contribution adventures. In my time, the thread woven throughout is solving the issue of distilling a complex experience into one that makes sense. If I summed up my career, it would be varied.

I got to work as a focused contributor for several years, which saw me working on the first phase of Gutenberg. This incredible challenge has set the tone for a lot of the work I have done since. After that, I crossed a few paths from operations work through to startups, agencies, to products, and now I am back looking to my next challenge.

Why was Inpsyde interesting for you?

As someone committed to working and extending the foundations of Gutenberg, the idea of joining an agency with similar passions was key for me. I always recall fondly those I met from Inpsyde during WordCamps and the support and excitement they had.

It’s all of this, combined with some incredible conversations in my discussions, that mixed in with the opportunity for me to return to a passion of mine as a developer. In short, the passion, people, and inspiration were interesting for me.

What do you especially like about your new job?

I am beyond excited about focusing on development and bringing my experience perspective. I know how much I will learn, and that excites me because learning is always good for your soul.

I am looking forward to the day when I move from simply learning to flourishing in code. When I am able to connect the dots in something that feels like a mountain of a challenge – to getting those connections in my brain around how things work and learning the right way from the impressive talent within Inpsyde.

I also look forward to the day I can contribute back to the culture and not only learn but also share my knowledge.

Tammie Lister

Questions to Inpsyder Tammie

We asked Tammie a few personal questions to learn more about her:

What was the last book you read?

An Immense World: How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us by Ed Yong.

What was the best advice you ever got? Who gave it to you?

I try to re-read The Art of Happiness by the Dalai Lama every year; this quote is constant advice to me.

“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.”

It reminds me that I need to be as compassionate with myself as I am with others, which is never easy.

What is your favorite smartphone app?

Finch. It’s like a self-care community Tamagotchi.

You get stuck in the elevator for many hours, and there’s a song playing in a continuous loop. What song would that be?

Experience by Ludovico Einaudi. Depending on my mood and the rendition, that song can either calm me or move me to tears. It constantly fascinates me how one song can feel so different and that one can.

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