Team Lead Daniel Hüsken

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Syde feels very good to me and it has always been that way. Here you are not a lone fighter because the team supports each other.

In this article, we would like to introduce Daniel Hüsken. Daniel is part of the Syde team since December 2012. He started as a WordPress developer at Syde. Today, he is Product Owner and Team Lead. In the WordPress community, he is best known as the inventor of the Plugin BackWPup.

This is Daniel Hüsken

Daniel lives in Rheine, Germany.

Inpsyder Daniel Hüsken at his work as a volunteer fireman
Daniel in action

How can you be described?

I am helpful, loyal and honest. I also appreciate reliability, because it is important to me that you stick to what you say. I am interested in many things, especially in technology. And I like to exchange ideas with other people and to think outside the box. That’s why you can meet me at many events of the WordPress community, but also beyond. 

How do you spend your free time?

I do sports and spend a lot of time with my family and friends. I prefer to be outside in the fresh air. But I also like to watch Netflix for relaxation. 

I am also a volunteer firefighter. This work makes up a pretty big part of my free time. But I’m really happy that I have the chance to help others. Even if it is not always easy. For example, you have to be able to deal with the fact that there are situations in which we can no longer help and people get hurt. And of course, you have to be prepared to get up in the middle of the night. 

But there are also many positive aspects. For example, we often go to events in the area and show the children what a firefighter does and also how fire engines work. Of course, we also answer questions from older children ;). I also enjoy cooperation and time with my comrades. By relying on each other blindly, you build up a deep trust in each other. This also leads to friendships and you support each other not only in action but also outside the fire department.  

I know that it can sometimes be difficult for others to reconcile working as a volunteer firefighter with their profession. That’s why I’m very happy that I’m so flexible in terms of my working hours at Syde. This was also one of the reasons why I wanted to work here. 

Daniel’s way to Syde

I did an apprenticeship as a communication electronics engineer for information technology in an IT system house. When it started with modems and the internet (AOL), I also began to work with HTML. I was mainly an IT technician and also worked in support until I started at Syde. But in my spare time, I have already worked a lot with PHP and WordPress. In 2009, I released my first WordPress Plugin BackWPup. By the way: You can read more about the story of BackWPup here. 

At the WordCamp in Cologne 2011, I met for the first time some of the Syders. About one year later, I applied for a developer job there because I wanted to turn my hobby into my profession. And it worked out! I am very happy to work in this field. Here I can bring in my ideas and also develop myself further. 

How is it for you to work at Syde?

Syde feels very good to me and it has always been that way. Here you are not a lone fighter because the team supports each other. We have a very high level of knowledge and work closely together. Thereby we train each other and set a high code standard. I have learned a lot at Syde over the years. And as is well known, you never stop learning. Even today, there are always new challenges. 

Moreover, there is our way of working. Remote work is a great benefit for me. It allows me to see my children more often and I simply witness more of their lives. In addition, I am more free and flexible in general. 

Questions to Syder Daniel

We asked Daniel a few personal questions to learn more about him.

Who was your hero as a child?


What is the TV show you never miss?

The Biggest Loser.

Who is your favorite cartoon character?

Donald Duck.

Which job did you do when you were in school?

I separated electronic waste.

What was the last book you read?

Falsche Taktik ‒ Große Schäden (translated: Wrong Tactics Big Damage).

What is the best present you ever got?

My children

What is your favorite movie?


What did you want to be when you were a child?

I think I wanted to be a fireman.

What is the best part of your personality?

I am loving.

What would be the slogan of your life?

I have not failed. I just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. ‒ Thomas A. Edison.

Superman, Batman, or Spider-Man?


By the way: The Syde Team is 100% remote

This enables us to bring together the best minds in the world in one team. You want to learn more about our way of working and the Syders? Take a look inside Syde!

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1 comment

  1. Guido

    Awesome! Daniel is easily a nice guy! It was always a pleasure to work with him!

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