Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world’s cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human.
UNESCO Declaration of Principles on Tolerance, Article 1.1 Meaning of Tolerance
Therefore, tolerance not only plays a role for us on a holiday, but on every day of the year! On this occasion, we give our multicultural employees space to share their personal views with us, what it means in general, and how important tolerance is for them. It is particularly exciting to find out how colleagues and employees experience tolerance at Inpsyde.

In the interview: Alex Frison
Alex is CEO and co-owner of Inpsyde. As the chief executive officer he is responsible for strategy and partnerships.
In addition, we spoke to Alex about what tolerance means for him, especially with relation to Inpsyde.
Alex, what comes to mind when you think of tolerance?
Tolerance is often used, but has a much deeper meaning than some might realize. On the one hand, of course, it’s about respecting and accepting another person for who he/she is – no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
However, on the other hand, tolerance also means that you are able to empathize with your counterpart in order to understand the background of that person. Backgrounds such as Upbringing, education, professional experience, or personal characteristics, which are also informative of the behavior from one person when dealing with another.
That is why tolerance is a popular catchphrase in society, but it actually has a more complex meaning for me.
Tolerance leads to the realization that my opinion or view is no better or worse – just different!
Alex Frison, CEO at Inpsyde
How exactly is tolerance manifested at Inpsyde?
At Inpsyde, tolerance is crucial! Not only because our more than 80 employees come from all over the world such as Indonesia, Serbia, or Chile, and with a wide variety of backgrounds, but because they can also learn admirably from one another.
Tolerance means openness
If you take another person for who they are, then you are also open to accepting something from them. Regardless of whether it is about imparting theoretical expertise or the way something is worked on.
Tolerance is not unconditional
For us, the topmost maxim is that tolerance does not mean that everything is simply accepted. For example, discriminatory or racist tendencies naturally do not come under the heading of “tolerance”. We do not tolerate these in any way! This is where tolerance ends for me – and I also speak for our employees. Fortunately, this has never happened to us because all colleagues at Inpsyde have a tolerant worldview.
Tolerance requires empathy
Of course, it can happen that you think you’re making a joke that offends your counterpart. Although there was no bad intention meant, and it can be attempted to sweep under the rug; unfortunately, a bad taste remains, which of course doesn’t contribute to a good working atmosphere. Especially in times like these, tolerance has something to do with respect and the trust that everyone wants to live in harmony with one another.
What is Inpsyde doing to actually practice tolerance?
At Inpsyde, we basically follow the principle that before we say or write something “just like that”, we think carefully about whether we really want to say it or write it. We are all urged to do this, so that we always reflect and correct ourselves where necessary. And that is practiced at all levels of hierarchy.
Ideal images for orientation
We have also written down our values. This is the basis that makes cooperation possible for us:
- Respect
- Recognition
- Tolerance
- Team work
- Clear communication
Appreciative community
As we have already mentioned, basic respect is also a form of mutual appreciation and recognition of each and every one of us. At the same time, this also means that we at Inpsyde think and act as a community. No one stands above another as a person or is more important than anybody else.
Human understanding
All of this can only be practiced if we internalize clear and honest communication. This also includes a high level of professionalism, humanity, and understanding. This is the only way to get rid of misunderstandings and prevent them from happening in the first place. This is essential for Inpsyde especially as a company that is 100% remote!
Is there such a thing as a code of conduct at Inpsyde?
We have the aforementioned values, which are imperative to us and which we have internalized as employees and colleagues.
Incidentally, we also hire new employees according to this criteria. That is why we don’t just pay attention to their professional skills, we look behind the facade in our interviews. At Inpsyde people count.
We want to get to know the person behind the name and therefore may apparently ask rather unusual questions, for example, about the expectations of the candidate, what is important to him/her in life or what things are on their private bucket list.
Our values determine who we are and how we work together.
Alex Frison, CEO at Inpsyde
How will values such as tolerance affect Inpsyde’s future?
Ultimately, there are only employees in our teams who identify with our values from the start and do not have acquire them first. That’s why at Inpsyde we are like a second family to each other.
Like in any family, you take care of one another. You want everyone to be flourishing and comfortable. There is nothing better than when I, as CEO, hear that our employees are happy and satisfied with their work and Inpsyde, and that they think it’s great to learn new things and not be stuck in a rut.
Tolerance and interpersonal relationships are the be-all and end-all. Because we will continue our growth path in the future and rely on colleagues from all over the world, that will always be a key component of our company.
Even when there are ups and downs, we can rely on our employees. We have grown rapidly within a short period of time, but we have great employees who know how important interpersonal relationships are, especially when working 100% remotely. You are open-minded, able to communicate, and fully guided by our values.
We all want to learn something from and with one another. As long as that doesn’t stop, it contributes to an inner calmness and ultimately tolerance in our employees. That makes Inpsyde unique, but also strong!
That’s why I’m looking forward to the years ahead.
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