Photos and Recap WordCamp Nijmegen

WordCamp Nijmegen 2018
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The WordCamp Nijmegen 2018 – A great time with many highlights!

For us, WordCamp Nijmegen 2018 was a great event where we felt to be very close to the WordPress community. We were 5 Inpsyders on WordCamp Nijmegen. As WordPress agency, we sponsored the WordCamp and took the chance to present our new MultilingualPress 3 version to the community.

WordCamp Nijmegen 2018: The Highlights

WordCamps in the Netherlands are something very special because the dutch community is very open-hearted and we always feel welcomed. So, first of all a big thank you to all volunteers of WordCamp Nijmegen: Without you, nothing would have worked, you did a great job!

One of our personal highlights was the sponsor-freestyle session “Know your Wapuus” which we held together with Plesk. Carole and Robert prepared an enjoyable quiz. First, all participants got basic information about the origins of Wapuus. Afterwards, they could guess Wapuus. The one or the other already knew our mascot very well: They recognized them although they were very pixelated. As a memory, everyone could take away Wapuu swag. The quiz has been a successful alternative to the other more technical WordCamp speakers’ talks.

Another great event was prepared by our co-sponsor Vevida. The dutch hosting agency invited to decorate cupcakes. 🙂 – Well, we have to practice a bit more (see photos).

We presented the new MultilingualPress 3 version

As WordCamp sponsor, we could present ourselves on an exhibition stand. There we talked with inquisitive visitors about the new MultilingualPress 3 version. We got very positive feedback for our multilingual solution – this makes us very proud and happy. Thanks a lot for all your good advices for future MultilingualPress 3 features! We’re highly motivated to check and implement the community proposals!

With the new MultilingualPress 3 version, we refactored the plugin completely. Now, it runs on PHP 7. With new features, we already prepared the plugin for the WordPress future. You can find more information on our MultilingualPress blog.

And now: Pictures can tell more than 1000 words 🙂

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