WordCamp Osnabrück: Our Impressions

WordCamp Osnabrück 2019
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Alex Frison talks about his personal impressions of WordCamp Osnabrück 2019!

There are WordCamps all over the world where the WordPress Community meets. As an active part of this community, Inpsyde is engaged in many of these events. In our role as WordPress Agency, we attach particular importance to exchange with other WordPress specialists, developers as well as IT managers of medium and large companies. But also with third-party system operators, who offer WordPress integration. March 22nd to 24th, we were also there at WordCamp Osnabrück and informed ourselves about the newest developments inside as well as outside of the WordPress Community and exchanged our ideas. In this article, Alex Frison – CEO of Inpsyde – describes his personal impressions of WordCamp Osnabrück.

Volunteering am Check-In WordCamp Osnabrück
Volunteering at Check-In: Johannes, Horst and Alex

About the Value of WordCamps

All things considered, what do you learn from a WordCamp? And why is it so important to Inpsyde to take part actively? Quite simple: We never want to stand still and we want to constantly improve our work! There is a huge community behind WordPress. With so many people, there are also many advances and innovations. Therefore, we don’t want to miss any opportunity to stay current. This way we can best meet the wishes of our customers and the needs of our users.

„At WordCamp Osnabrück, I was asked why I still go to WordCamps. For me, there wouldn’t be much new stuff. My answer: I’m here to meet awesome old friends and find new ones. It gives me great joy to participate in the community. Here, I can exchange ideas with various people and talk about our common passion: WordPress. As an Inpsyder, I don’t want to lose contact with the base. It is very important to us to know the needs of the users and the thoughts of the community. Furthermore, I get many important news and information about technical advances at WordCamps.”

WordPress Community auf dem WordCamp Osnabrück
Sören, Alex and Sven

WordCamp Osnabrück: Conclusion

“The locations, the organization and the professional branding were outstanding! WordCamp Osnabrück would have great potential to present itself as WordCamp Germany, if there was one again. At this point many thanks to the organisation team and especially to Detlef and his team from Hasegold, who invested a great deal of heart and soul. You could just see and feel that. We are particularly proud of the fact that our Inpsyders Jessica Lyschik as lead organisator and Daniel Hüsken as part of the organization team actively supported the event.“

The topics at WordCamp Osnabrück 2019 were as diverse as the community itself. Gutenberg development, SEO, Marketing, Website Conception, Performance and Security, Gamification – just to name a few. Most of the workshops were fully booked and the sessions were well attended. Like many others, Alex took part in a session about sketching for beginners by Visutrainment. With Sketchnotes you can visualize your ideas and expand them effectively. Thus, it is easier to make them understandable to others and keep them in memory. At this point we proudly share Alex’s first attempt:

Sketch Notes für bessere Visualisierung von Webprojekten
First steps with Sketch Notes!

The Highlights of WordCamp Osnabrück

“I particularly enjoyed the positive atmosphere at the camp. In the evening people were even dancing wildly! The talk from Matthias Held about “How to deal with difficult clients” was very interesting and entertaining at the same time. Matthias himself slipped into the roles of fictitious difficult customers and thus made the subject extremely vivid. And all this in amusing disguises!“

Overall, WordCamp Osnabrück 2019 was a complete success. Contributors and participants not only faced many important questions and topics around WordPress professionally and with commitment but also provided a lot of fun and entertainment. We are glad that we were a part of it and look forward to many more WordCamps!

* Many Thanks to Torsten Bulk for his photos which we were allowed to use in this gallery.

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