We wish you a Merry Christmas! – Inpsyde annual review 2017

Inpsyde annual review 2017
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Our year 2017.

Our 24th door in our Advent Calendar!

It’s Christmas Eve! In many parts of the world today is a special day. We wish that you eat delicious food today and that your beloved ones surround you. In particular we wish that you enjoy the day, without disputes and relaxed. Well, what else is Christmas about? Except for love, the feeling of security and a lot of time nothing shall oppress you. And as we want to share our time with you, we want to tell you something about the last year in our Inpsyde annual review 2017. Additionally, we would like to give a forecast on 2018. But first of all: We wish you a merry merry Christmas!


By the way: the spoken languages:

  1. English
  2. German
  3. Italian
  4. Spanish
  5. Rumanian
  6. Bangladesh
  7. Greek
  8. French
  9. Catalan
  10. Russian

Inpsyde annual review 2017: What we did last year

During the last year we worked on very interesting projects and developed as WordPress agency. In the following, we would like to give a short overview.

Inside Inpsyde

In this year we won a couple of Inpsyders, but, unfortunately, also lost some. When searching for new employees we took the chance to search globally as we as remote working agency are not place-bound. That’s the reason why we wrote the blog post “Inspyde becomes an international Agency” in the middle of the year. There we describe a couple of changes coming along with an international collaboration. Unfortunately we had to realise that the working concept “working remotely” isn’t the right choice for everyone. It’s something we learned during this year.

A great event was our team retreat in Eisenach, Thuringia (Germany). Do you want to get to know the people behind the agency Inpsyde? Then you should take a look at: Working Culture Remote Work: Inpsyde in Fields, Forests and Meadows.

As all who know us know, we love WordCamps. In 2017 Inpsyders visited, for example, WordCamps in Rome, Bari, Geneva, Berlin, Cologne, Seattle, Nashville, Utrecht – and Paris, of course, where the WordCamp Europe 2017 took place. There we where honored by Wapuu himself: He wrote his WordCamp Europe review bon our blog 🙂 Take a look at the whole post: Wapuu at WCEU 2017 – WordCamp Europe Paris Review.

We know that WordCamps only exist because of the volunteer work of people in the community. The least we can do as WordPress agency is some sponsoring. That’s what we did in this year. We were sponsors of  WordCamp Berlin, WordCamp Cologne and WordCamp Bern. Moreover Inpsyders supported WordCamps as speaker. In 2017, Inpsyder Giuseppe was as speaker at WordCamp Rome, Turin and Milan and Inpsyder Thorsten as speaker in Geneva, Utrecht and Vienna.

Inpsyde and Projects

In the last months, we further focused on WooCommerce projects. Due to this, we could create new interfaces to WooCommerce. In particular we launched international websites – both with and without online shops. In doing so we could emphasize our knowledge with multilingual websites for enterprise solutions.

Moreover we worked on plugins with an added value for the WordPress community and other target groups. For example, we developed the official PayPal Plus Plugin for WooCommerce online shops. It integrates further payment methods into the shop – with only one plugin. Additionally, we further developed our WordPress backup plugin BackWPup. Due to that we could increase our user numbers and ratings.

Forecast: 2018

We already have a couple of plans for the next year.

We will further have an eye on BackWPup. For example, we want to add the BackWPup restore functionality and already planned other future functionalities.

Moreover, we will launch a MultilingualPress version 3 with many improvements. Further on we will develop functionalities regarding WooCommerce.

Of course we will work on our projects and launch new ones. Amongst other things we do some plugin development for a couple of interfaces at the moment. Moreover we will launch multilingual enterprise websites with a lot of content – websites from international medium sized and large companies.

Well, that’s it. Do you have questions? Suggestions? criticism? We’re always pleased to get some feedback! And until we meet, see, hear, read or write each other again, we wish some quiet days between the years and a healthy start into the next year.

PS: The time between the years is great to tidy up a little bit – also on your website. In order to have a reliable backup in case you tidy up too much on your website, you can use our plugin BackWPup. From December 27th to January 07th, 2018, we have a 20% discount on BackWPup PRO. Want some more information? Check our blog and backwup.com on December 27th.

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