We released PayPal Plus 1.0.3!

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We have a new version of PayPal Plus! Here, we give an overview about all changes.

We just released PayPal Plus 1.0.3! Together with PayPal, we developed PayPal Plus. It’s a plugin enabling users to integrate different payment methods into WooCommerce online shops or shops with other shop systems easily.  Here you can find more information about how PayPal Plus works.

You can download PayPal Plus 1.0.3 from wordpress.org. If you don’t use PayPal Plus yet, consider that you need to have a registered office in Germany in order to use all payment methods being offered in PayPal Plus. Moreover, you need to have a PayPal business account and sign up for PayPal Plus one-time.

What’s new in PayPal Plus 1.0.3

  • We added a button on the settings page to download the log data.
  • It’s possible to configure the title of the payment gateway on the plugin’s settings page. Until now, this has not been adopted in the frontend. We fixed that now.
  • We relocated the PayPal SDK into its own namespace to avoid collisions with other plugins.
  • So far, there had been cases where more than two decimal places were passed to PayPal. Because of that, MALFORMED_REQUEST error notifications came up. We fixed that in PayPal Plus 1.0.3.
  • There had been an exception when session data were unexpectedly empty during the checkout. We fixed that, too.
  • In the old version, there had been a rounding error when users indicated the product prices were inclusive of tax. Because of that bug, PayPal displayed a price being a little bit different from the one in the shop. It’s fixed now.
  • Moreover, we changed the minimum required PHP version. It is now PHP 5.6. When users have a lower version, the plugin cannot be activated anymore. Instead, an admin notice is displayed. Here, you can check out how to update your PHP version.

Thanks to the above fixes, we’ve improved compatibility with WooCommerce Germanized. This is a plugin that extends WooCommerce to support the special conditions of the German market.

Full Changelog

Here’s the full changelog:

  • Added: Allow user to download log
  • Fixed:
    • Allow working with prices inclusive of tax
    • Allow changing the display title of the gateway
    • Price decimals
    • Move PayPal SDK in dedicated namespace to avoid collisions
    • A possible shutdown if session data was cleared unexpectedly while performing the payment

If you have any questions concerning the plugin, open a ticket in the WordPress support forum. We give our best to answer all your questions quickly. We really appreciate your feedback about the plugin, so don’t hesitate to share your opinion.

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