Quality Assurance Analyst Sabin Borka

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The job is pretty new to me since I have been working in Accounting up to now. However, I guess that helps me in my position as Quality Assurance Analyst. I also love to learn new things, so learning on the job is the best way to manage this. Making mistakes and learning from them…

In this article, we want to introduce Sabin Borka, our Quality Assurance Analyst. When Sabin joined our agency in October 2021, we asked him a few questions to get to know him a little better.

This is Sabin Borka

Sabin lives in Uzdin, Serbia.

Sabin Borka

How would you describe yourself?

I am a friendly, positive, and happy person. I live in a village, but that’s what makes a relaxed life for me. Many families who live here simply want to live their lives quietly and away from the hustle and bustle.

I also love anything related to new tech and web technologies, especially when it comes to WordPress. Ever since I got to know WordPress, I’ve been fascinated by the content management system and its unlimited possibilities.

How do you spend your spare time?

In my spare time, I love to play with my 6-year-old son. We love to go to a nearby river to fish, but he is a lively little person so he prefers chasing away all the fish. 

I like running too, and have joined half marathons in the past here in Serbia. I actually prefer running in the winter because I think the air is particularly healthy then – especially with snow. Unfortunately, we didn’t have too much snow in the past few years.

What is important to you?

For me, the most important thing is my family – and then everything else. But, of course, it is also important that I have work and get on well with my colleagues.

In the office, you just meet over a coffee. At Syde, people talk virtually. It’s not comparable, but it’s always important to me to stay in contact and exchange ideas with different people.

Sabin’s way to Syde

I earned a bachelor’s degree in economics and a master’s in web design for e-society. With web design, working was more with HTML and CSS back then. So I started with classic computer languages and software programs such as Dreamweaver, Joomla, or Drupal.

I have worked in the Agricultural Service for 11 years. In my free time, I worked with WordPress and fixed pc hardware and software. I was so excited about working with WordPress that, of course, I immediately said yes when I got the chance to work for Syde.

The opportunity to work for Syde just blew me away because I had only heard good things from Syde. I knew it was a company with accomplished WordPress knowledge. It is also a great advantage to work remotely. But it is much more important that I can work with WordPress all day.

Today I belong to the Syde family. I am very happy and excited to have this great opportunity – and for the first time, completely remote. Since I still work a few hours a week for my old company, I’m used to working in the office. Now I work remotely simultaneously, which is quite interesting because I get to know two working worlds.

At the moment, I’m in a learning process, but I’m looking forward to contributing my full potential to Syde. I also love the friendly and modern environment here.

Questions to Syder Sabin

We asked Sabin a few personal questions to learn more about him:

What do you like most about your city?

I live in a very small village, where everybody knows each other. So nothing really happens there. However, Novi Sad is nearby where you can go out and have a nice walk around. The city was renovated and polished up and now looks so lovely.

What is your favorite smartphone app?

I have a lot of favorite apps, but my top 5 are Google Maps, Gmail, Tasks, Google Keep and YouTube.

What is the best meal you can cook on your own?

The best meal I can cook is homemade pizza.

You get stuck in the elevator for many hours, and there’s a song playing in a continuous loop; what song would that be?

Aerosmith – Love In An Elevator

By the way: The Syde Team is 100% remote

This enables us to bring together the best minds in the world in one team. You want to learn more about our way of working and the Syders? Take a look inside Syde!

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